Inspiring Workspace: 24 Mac Setups on a Glass Table

One of my favorite past time in the internet is browsing through Mac setups that are posted by users around the world showcasing their sophisticated machine. I just loved and get inspired from those cool machines and partnered with mythical arrangement.

Mac already comes with style, elegant style and I definitely agree from this individual who uses glass tables to setup their daily machine. Setting up your workspace where in you are at your comfortable position and environment will help you work effectively.

Enjoy this collection of 24 Mac Setup. Sure thing you have seen a lot of inspiring workspace, but have you ever categorized them whether on a wood or on a glass?



About Mars Cureg

Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anything that doesn't have a keyboard.

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  1. Who cares about Macs if their hardware is deprecated and the user unable to work with them? Don’t buy a Mac to show off and be a douche. I’d rather have an all-in-one PC with Windows on a wooden desk. That’s practical.

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