Top 3 SEO Tips

Scott Manford, CEO of Wizard Slots is a well-known figure in the online gambling community. Formerly of Bede Gaming he is now overseeing new online gaming platforms and has kindly accepted to give us some of his top tips for SEO in the industry and how to succeed.

The UK Gambling industry is currently enjoying a rapid growth period following the internet boom and new technologies are causing the value of the UK industry to rise to nearly £5bn at a rapid pace. With SEO being the main marketing tool for new betting operators looking to stamp their footprint onto the market, Manford has kindly outlined his top 3 tips for a great SEO campaign when you’re in the gambling industry.

Tip #1 – Choose the correct keywords to fit your gambling niche – There’s no point picking random keywords even if they are common phrases or words in the gambling industry. Look into the words your competitors are using and capitalise on their short comings. Analyse which phrases get the most traffic and where there’s gaps in the market. Every bit of web traffic must be soaked into your domain.

Tip #2 – Create fresh and unique content that your audience will love. Write content for your platform that people are going to read, and don’t steal it from anyone else. You may wonder, who reads the content that’s placed on a betting platform. That’s not the point, Google will recognise the quality of your content.

Tip #3 – Optimise your Title and Meta Tags – Even the aspects of your site that may require the smallest changes may be the changes that make the most difference. Google sees images also so you must make your images as relevant as possible without spamming your keyword terms.

The difference between certain SEO markets and the gambling industry is that gambling is a rapidly changing niche. One technique that may have worked one week will be old news the next, there must be a constant analysis of both your own optimisation and also the practice of your competitors. The smallest changes could make the biggest difference to your rankings. This is vital in an industry where most of the valuable web-traffic exists among the first-page of Google. It’s the premier league of SEO, and the finer you tune your strategy, the higher up you’ll be.

About Mars Cureg

Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anything that doesn't have a keyboard.

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