
Website Speed Optimization – Raising Difficulties for WEB Developer

A website is the reflection of any business; therefore its design should be impressive enough to seek the attention of the people. From the content of the headers, title tags, Meta description etc everything should be correct as it can have a bad impact on the traffic and the business sales. Even optimizing the website for different devices is yet another factor that cab makes a huge difference to the traffic. There is no doubt that if your website is not up to date it is sure to lose the potential customers.

When any user comes to your website, it just takes a fraction of seconds to engage them. If your website does not load quickly, there are high chances that people get distracted and they switch to other websites. This is surely a negative sign for your business as you have not only lost the trust of the visitor but brought down the rank of your website too. That is why utmost attention, needs to be paid towards the speed with which your website loads. According to the recent reports, it has been found that if your site takes an additional one second to load, it is sure to shift the interest of the visitors.

So it becomes all the more important to work on the website speed and optimize it fully for the best results. There are a lot of changes that you can make in order to boost the speed of your website and optimize it fully.

1. Compress the images

The best thing to increase the speed of the website is by compressing the images. This will reduce the size of the image and the website will load quickly once this change is done. There are numerous tools which you can use to compress the images effectively so you can pick the best of them to achieve the purpose.

2. Switch to HTTPS

Another thing that can be done is to switch to HTTPS. This is not only more secure than the HTTP version but on the other hand, will help in loading the website faster. So whenever any user will come to your website, the content will load faster thus enhancing the experience of the users.

3. Use JavaScript for coding

Ask your developer to use JavaScript for coding as it is a bit faster than other languages and this can have a significant effect on the website loading speed. Also, make sure that the scripts are inserted at the right place so that the codes can be fetched easily.

4. Use one CSS style sheet

You can also make a little change in the CSS style sheet as well. Just use one style sheet and ensure that the above fold loads quickly than the lower one. Thus the users will not get distracted and the complete website will open before them. So by making this little change, you can definitely make the most out of it.

5. Do not use too many plugins

Using many plugins on your homepage can definitely bring down the speed of the website so reduce the number of the plugins and add only the ones which are most needed. This will have a lot of effect on the site speed and will improve the user engagement too.

Website performance can influence the sales, conversion, user engagement, and revenue

Google is changing its algorithm just to provide a better user experience. If your website loads faster it will definitely keep the people engaged and enhance their shopping experience. So you can say that if the website is not loading the way it should be, it will not only impact the user engagement but bring down the sales too thus impacting your business on the whole. As per the recent research, 88% of the people choose websites which are user-friendly and 50% of the users leave the website if it does not load within 3 seconds.

It is not just about the sales but numerous things get influenced like the number of visitors coming to your website, conversion rate, user engagement and also the revenue. Also optimizing for the device is also a factor to ponder over as trends are changing and Google is quite particular about this aspect. So if you are able to make changes as per the guidelines of Google you are sure to get success and more users will get connected to you.

So it is very clear that website optimization is not only important but need of the hour if you stand ahead in the competition and grab the attention of more people. With the above few changes it, you will be able to see a big difference in how your website loads and keeps the users engaged. Make use of the tools to check the website speed and see the difference yourself.

Author Bio: Lauren McLaren was born and raised in Australia. She is working for Digital Muscle and providing Web Designing Services in Sydney. She’s hardworking, competent and trustworthy. Her role within the company is to manage a team of SEO Specialists. In her spare time, she loves to read, cook and watch movies.

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