
iOS 9 Complete UI free PSDs for iPhone 5, 6 and 6 Plus

Few days ago when Apple released the iOS 9 update for iDevices, from my point of view, it’s a lot better than iOS 8 because of the new features that make the iPhone and iPad easier to use.

Most of the time, the look of iOS evolves at an icy pace: there has been just one really radical visual overhaul in the past eight versions and therefore I expected that iOS 9 to look pretty much the same as iOS 8. After the upgrade, you can’t immediately notice any difference especially in design. Dig deeper and you will find the detailed differences of both OS.

If you wish to visually inspect the user interface of the iOS 9 or you need a UI kit to start with when developing your application, we have something beneficial for you.

A rather complete PSD of iOS 9 UI: system screens, notifications, navigation and tab bars, keyboards, modals, pickers, action sheets and actually many more.

This UI kit is available in 3 sizes: iPhone 5, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Just choose the one that fits ya or get them all.

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